b2match Meetings - How does it work?
A matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential collaborators and gain scientific exchange in face-2-face talks. To not loose this activity in an online event, we offer virtual 1:1 meetings.

1. Video tutorial
2. Registration
Register via the green Register now button. In case you want to publish offers/requests and manage 1:1 meetings on-site read more below.
3. Publish your profile and show your interests
Create a clear profile to raise your visibility on this platform. Your profile should describe who you are, to which university/company you belong to and what your research interests are. A good profile will generate significantly more meeting requests. Your profile will be visible before, during and after the event only to other participants.
4. Browse profiles of attendees
Find out who is also participating in this conference and who you would like to talk to in an 1:1 or group discussion by browsing the Participants list.
5. Send & receive meeting requests
Be active, not reactive. Browse participants profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet at the event. Adding a meaningful remark on why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance that your request will be accepted. Propose a date and time for your meeting. Once accepted, you will have immediate access to time and location of the meeting. To particpate in 1:1 sessions, dont forget to select the 1:1 sessions during the registration process.
6. What are the booking rules?
Everybody can send meeting requests to everyone. Incoming meeting requests have to be accepted to be scheduled.
7. Attend a session
Select the session you want to attend during the registration process. Each session will be held online through a provided zoom link. By clicking the Join now button in your Agenda, you will be redirected to the respective zoom session. You can join the sessions 5 minutes before the meeting starts.
8. Attend the poster session
The poster session will be held on an additional platform. The link will be provided on the page Poster which is only visible for registered and validated participants and is additionally protected with a password.